Thursday, September 11, 2008

Dr. Dominatrix

I had my first class of the quarter last night. Less than five minutes in the professor told us that she is a dominatrix and that she loves nothing more than watching her students suffer. And she was serious. This is going to be a rough quarter.


Ye Qinfa said...

"she loves nothing more than watching her students suffer." a very strict professor. did she ever yield to her students when an overwhelmingly majority fail a course?

Cortney said...

I sure hope none of us fail. The course is required for the degree. I imagine she is one of those that scares us so that we work really hard and then hands out good grades at the end. At least that is what I am hoping.

Erica said...

Your prof. sounds crazyyyy. Nice blog. Happy blogiversary, by the way!

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